News from Poland - Wednesday, November 15th 2023
Final Twenty of the "Youth Word of the Year 2023" Contest Revealed
Summary: The final twenty words for the "Youth Word of the Year 2023" contest have been announced. Among the selected words are "delulu," "side-eye," "sigma," and "bambik." These words reflect the current trends and expressions used by young people in Poland. The jury, consisting of experts and representatives from various fields, evaluated the nominated words and selected the final twenty. The winner of the contest will be announced in early December.
Read more: Finałowa dwudziestka plebiscytu na Młodzieżowe Słowo Roku 2023
Beata Szydło's Post with a Correction on Twitter's Community Notes
Summary: Beata Szydło, a Polish politician and former Prime Minister, wrote a post on Twitter regarding the recent election of deputy speakers in the Polish Parliament. However, her post received a correction in the form of Twitter's Community Notes feature, which provides additional information or context to a post. Szydło criticized the use of Community Notes, claiming that her posts are being targeted and that the tool is being used to spread propaganda. Twitter clarified that Community Notes are created by a diverse group of users, not by a specific editorial team, and are meant to provide additional context based on user consensus.